Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lyla turns 2!

Happy with her silky on her head

wearing her signature "pretty".

My sweet baby girl is growing up and I love it and hate it all at the same time. It is so cute watching her slowly start showing me who she is, but I LOVE that she still looks like a baby. She sings, she dances, she demands, she flirts, she throws tantrums, she hugs, she kisses and she ultimately melts our hearts. I love my sweet "poosh"! Happy Birthday darling baby girl, life would not be right without you in it!
Some of her FAVORITE things:
Princess anything (shoes, dresses, movies, songs, books, figurines, coloring books, anything.....
Justin Bieber videos and his songs when we are in the car, she demands it by name!
Sasha! She wakes up in the morning and immediately asks me where her big sister is.
She loves to copy her sister and do all the same big kid things like brushing her own teeth and sitting on the potty, even though she never actually pees on the potty.
"pretty's" aka tutu's. She must have on a "pretty"at least 4 hours of every day.
High heels! She clip-clops all over the house in her heels and she is devastated when they are removed.
She loves to wear hair accessories and she loves to continually take them out and then beg to have them put back in her hair again.
Painting.....she paints off and on ALL DAY EVER SINGLE DAY. Girl loves to paint!
Cliff brand Strawberry fruit twists. These are her favorite because they are the only fruit snacks that she can eat because all the ingredients are on her safe list.
Silky and Binky combination. She has to have these two items to sleep and to be calmed down. We don't leave the house without a silk and a bink...EVER!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 2nd Birthday to your sweet, gorgeous GIRLIE girl! Those facial expressions and big blue eyes are just irresistable. Love her Beiber obsession and "prettys" - I NEED A GIRL!!!
